There was a lot that was done in this sprint. After we had moved the code that Dan had been working on, onto the Tabs branch we decided to add more code. For our project the main component of course is the tabs component. This tabs component consist of a certain number of pages for a certain form that patient may need to fill out. For example, if a form is about four pages, then that form may need 4 tabs. While in class we as a group first made sure that the new updated code with the simple tab component was on all of our computers. Since Dan had pushed it up, Ryan, Sam and I all had to pull it. Since we all had different amounts of code that was not usable, we decided to start all over again.
The first command we had to do was a git clone
After that we had to get into the project. So then we did a cd amrs-simple-app and a
cd ampath-simple-app. After we got into the application, we had to do a git checkout Tabs to get into the Tabs branch. After we got into the branch we did a git pull origin Tabs. Since we were starting again, some of us needed to update some of the dependencies we were using. To help fix this on my end I did a ng update --all. After we finally got it running on all of our computers, we decided to start working on the forms component.
Towards the end of that class, we were able to implement a simple forms field with just three fields into our application. We were able to do this with this link: After we were able to get that working we decided to push up our changes again on my computer. To do this I first did a git checkout master to get into the master branch. From there I did a git pull origin master to grab anything that had been added in the master branch. After that I did a git checkout Tabs to get back into the Tabs branch. From there I did a git add . --This added everything that we had added to our code. After I did a git commit -m “Added forms” and committed the changes. From there I did a git push origin Tabs and pushed up our changes into the Tabs branch.
After getting both a simple tabs and form field working we decided to start adding extra things that would better our application.The first component we thought we would add was an add and delete tabs button so the AMPATH developers could add as many tabs as they wanted for each card. This took us a little longer than we expected but Dan was also able to get this working on his end. While we may have gotten in working we did and are facing some issues now. After I had pushed up the changes for the new Form field component, Dan did not pull those changes that were made and immediately started working on the new component. This in hand has messed up where the git is and how up to date it really is. What my team and I are working on now is to just get that working again and for all of us to be on the same page. We are taking the steps to get it on a new clean branch so we can get everything working properly.