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There has been a lot that has been done throughout this sprint with my group which consists of Ryan D’Entremont, Sam Bryan and Daniel Ryder. Since this is the first sprint, there was a lot of just setting up and preparing for future sprints. One of the tasks that we did beforehand was to make a trello ( account and invite everyone that was in the group. There we had it set up like a sprint with the product backlog, sprint backlog doing and done. The group was first given a set of tasks to do that were put in the product backlog. These jobs consisted of setting up a github repository where we could fork and clone the clode and try to get the code running. A big chunk of our time was made up of us getting our code to run within the local host server. The first time I had cloned the project I had a lot of issues. This was when everyone was first figuring out how to run the code with no way of knowing what direction to turn to.

My issues consisted of not having the right packages and missing some installations. It seemed to have a lot to do with not finding the right resolver type and errors in the node modules folder. I had done some research on my own and updated as much as possible to the latest versions. It also seemed that James Blash was having the same errors as me. After playing around with it a little more, James had helped me with installing a npm check which checked which packages I was missing, the types I had and the version of them. He had noticed that after running that, he was missing a package that had been mentioned in the error. I then decided to re-clone the project and start clean. From there I followed the instructions James had given, the first link is how to install the npm check application, and the second had to do with what I needed to have installed. (, After I had messed around with installing that and a few more packages I thought I needed, I had done a build and I was still running into errors, which seemed to be very similar to what Harry and the rest of the class was having. He seemed to resolve that issue by looking here( This problem seemed to be related to the memory and the problems it faced when doing an ng build. This was fixed by doing a ‘ng build --prod’ instead. After doing that command I was then faced with errors that it seemed everyone else was having. This was thankfully a lot easier to work with since everyone in my group seemed to have the same problem. From there I followed Ryans instructions and did a ‘npm rebuild node-sass’ and came up with even more errors that no one in my class knew what to do with. At this point I thought it may be a good idea to delete the code and start a fresh again. From there I cloned the code again and did these commands which Ryan had done to get it to work. I did a ‘ng build --prod’ and when that was finished I did a ‘npm start’. After that finished and was running I typed in ‘http://localhost:3000/#/login’ . Finally it had worked.

Some side projects that the team and I worked on was re-equip ourselves with angular and typescript. Ryan also thankfully on the side set up a document with some very important information that will be needed in the future. The document talked about how to install karma and protractor which we will need when we are actually using the code. I felt like I had learned a lot throughout this sprint and really helped me be prepared for future projects I will be working on. This was the first time I had such a huge file to work with and how to get it to run. Working with others and helping each other out and testing different things to see what worked. I also was able to interact with my team easily through different platforms and help each other stay up to date on what needs to be done. Everyone in my group except Daniel has gotten their code to run and we hope that we can get his to run by the end of this sprint.



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