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The Long Road

For this week’s blogpost I will be expressing my thoughts on an Apprenticeship Pattern in Chapter three. This one was titled ‘The Long Road’ and the problem that they give is when you are deciding to further your knowledge in programming and enhancing your skills, or to get further in the workforce and get a high paying salary. As someone who is in the field such as Computer Science, a lot of our work encircles around learning new languages and ways of programming everyday. Technology is something that was created that long ago, it has and will keep reinventing itself. I think that another important note to get from this reading is that I will have long journey ahead of me and If all I am thinking about is money, then I will not be happy. I will be waiting for when my retirement ends when I could be figuring out new ways to improve myself and my skills. Personally I have a hard time believing in my own abilities and where I fall in this spectrum of knowledge. I always want to try to improve myself but feel as though I am much farther away from everyone else. Reading this article help me know that if I keep putting in the work and trying to better myself, then I could catch up to those who are now world famous for their skills. Although I really appreciate this outlook and know that there are many who say that money does not matter when you are unhappy, but I do also need to think about the bills I will have to pay when I am older and out of college. I am in a lot of student depth and while I always want build up my skill, it is hard not to think about the money and what will help me out the most financially. I think like some of the past patterns I have read about, it is all about finding that balance. I shouldn’t always think about what conventional wisdom tells me, but I also don’t want to be neck deep in debt.

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