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Exposing Your Ignorance

This week’s blogpost will be about another Apprenticeship Pattern. I will be discussing the importance of Exposing your Ignorance. The problem that is given for this excerpt relates very much with me, even while I am at school. I had mentioned in past blogs that when I first started Computer Science I was a noive at it. I have worked extremely hard to get where I am and I have tried to put as much effort as I can into everything I have done thus far. What I struggled with then and now is showing that incompetence and ignorance toward this subject as a whole. When I first started out there was no other way than to show my true colors, but now that I have gained some skills and knowledge and I am in my senior year, I have become more and more afraid to show when I do not understand something. Whether this be with my father, my professors, classmates and friends. Even in the future I know I will run into this problem, and when reading this pattern it definitely eased my worries. Some of the advice they give is that you should reassure with my ability to want to learn with those that I am working with. I think that is extremely important especially for someone like me. I am always willing to learn and ask questions and I need to learn to do more of them instead of pretending I know exactly everything that is going on at all times. It is also important to note that the less time I spend pretending what I know and BS’ing my way through everything, the more time can be spent me really trying to understand what is going on. To put things together and can have an in depth understanding of everything. Personally I believe that Computer Scientists, especially, need to read more excerpts and readings like this. There are so many in this field that feel like they need have enough knowledge on the subject matter and will not need any help at all. They feel entitled, and that can really affect them as they get to new jobs and in areas they really don’t know much about. These types of readings help people become better employees and better yet humans.



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