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Your First Language

The first individual Apprenticeship Patterns that I decided to write about was the first one mentioned in chapter two. The title of this pattern was called ‘Your First Language’. There was a lot of really important information and tips that was included in this apprenticeship pattern. What I really liked was that one of their first pieces of advice was to learn a language and become a pro at it. I also really liked that one of the best ways to improve your first language skills was to find an actual problem to solve. I personally feel that while I am in these classes learning different kinds of languages and solving problems, it is really hard for me to be motivated and do my utmost best when I know that it will just be a teacher grading my work. So far everything that I have done is not actually solving any real world problems or helping people in need. The other problem I have is that when taking these classes I am learning a bunch of different languages so it has become very difficult to retain and understand in depth how one language works. Another point that they brought up was to find someone who is an expert in the specified language that you would like to learn. While working with people who are so-so in a new language you would like to learn, it is hard to get really far with it knowledge wise. THe person I thought of immediately was my dad when I first started learning Java. I had learned a lot while working with my friends but when I was working with my father, it was a whole new experience. There were specific areas of Java and ways to code that I would have never thought with my colleagues. He also helped a bunch with my structure of coding when it came to java and focus on small details like wording. The last piece of advice I really liked was that they mentioned when running into a specific problem, find the actual source. Don’t go looking at summaries that are very similar to each other, try to track down where these problems were originally solved. Overall I felt that this specific apprenticeship pattern was a great way to get started in reading this book.

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